Pure Tuber Free Premium help you watch millions of music and tube videos. Tired of wasting time on annoying ads that cannot be skipped? Welcome to the ad-free era with all video ads blocked and pop-up blocked automatically! Install Pure Tuber to skip ads for video, enjoy smooth background play and floating popup play! Pure Tuber:Block Ads on Video v3.1.2.101 [Mod] [Updated HotFix 01.02] APK Free Download Latest version for Android. Download full APK of Pure Tuber:Block Ads on Video v3.1.2.101 [Mod] [Updated HotFix 01.02].
YouTube AdAway v3.1.2 APK
So Excited to download? Well, click on below button to start Download Pure Tuber:Block Ads on Video v3.1.2.101 [Mod] [Updated HotFix 01.02] APK. This is a single direct link of Pure Tuber:Block Ads on Video v3.1.2.101 [Mod] [Updated HotFix 01.02].
Here is the MITMProxy addon script that serves as a proof-of-concept to block YouTube ads on networked Apple devices. The script can be run as follows (note the prerequisites in the script and be sure to install them first). Name it youtube.py and run the following command: 2ff7e9595c