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Live Essentials 2012 Windows 10 12: The Best Free Applications for Your Windows PC


now that Microsoft has stopped allowing download of the Essential 2012 software can you tell me where I can get a copy of it so that I can get the Windows live photos gallery installed on my tablet that has windows 10?

live essentials 2012 windows 10 12

Windows Live mail is a part of Windows Essentials 2012 suite which reached end of support on January 10, 2017. There is no live link available to download Windows Live Mail 2011 from Microsoft (there may be third party download links, which are not officially supported, you may download at your own risk.)

On the Microsoft Community forums an user found out that the offline installers are archived at the Web Archive ( ). Link to the thread: -us/windowslive/forum/moviemaker-wlinstall/what-to-do-before-movie-maker-goes-away-jan-10/8b3a5345-7840-4a2c-922a-cf24d10771f7?page=2

As noted in a blog post from Outlook VP Javier Soltero, if you have a Microsoft mailing address --,,, or -- you won't be able to use the Windows Live Mail 2012 email client after June 30. If your email address is or, for example, you won't be able to use Windows Live Mail to work with your email after June 30.

In a few weeks, we will be making some changes to our email services that might impact your, @hotmail, @live, or @msn email account. Those changes will prevent your email from being delivered to the Windows Live Mail 2012 application you use. In order to continue using Windows Live Mail 2012 to send and receive email for your account, you need to install the latest update.

Hi Leo, hope all is well. I need your advice on windows essentials 2012, I recently experienced computer intermittent freezes,e.g. I would download a link on an e-message, it would freeze, as do other computer applications, started out as a minorproblem, and it kept getting worse up to now. Some of the links that I download, will freeze up before I even open them. Icalled my security people (Trend Micro Systems) discussed the problem with them, they were very helpful, performed a Trend MicroAir Support, where you give them permission to do a picture of your computer. They conveyed that nine programs, some quite old,no longer valid, I myself did not monitor the status of my programs, did not even realize I still had them, they helped me deletethese programs, but I did not delete the Windows Essential 2012 program, as they had suggested, as a possible conflict with theTrend Micro Security program, that I have been using, for about three years, and they have served me well.

i have the same problem as gus but mine is with any pictures i want to send, from outlook how do you reconfigure imapim a novice with computers, i get the same server error 3219 and windows live mail error id 0x8de00005

Windows Live Mail is a comfortable email client that lets you manage and access your Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo! accounts in one place. But when your Windows Live Mail crashes or won't start, or you have to reinstall Windows Live Mail, is your windows live mail data safe? Will your email account lost if you forgot the password?

In a few weeks, we will be making some changes to our email services that might impact your, @hotmail, @live, or @msn email account. Those changes will prevent your email from being delivered to the Windows Live Mail 2012 application you use.

Dans Windows 8, 8.1 et Windows 10, un client email est directement intégré au système. Avant cela, les utilisateurs pouvaient utiliser Windows Live Mail 2012 distribué dans le pack de logiciels Windows Essentials avec d'autres outils.Dans un email envoyé à ses utilisateurs, Microsoft avertit aujourd'hui que des modifications dans les comptes de ses services d'email, @hotmail, @live et @msn vont empêcher Windows Live Mail 2012 de fonctionner correctement. L'éditeur recommande d'utiliser de préférence le client email fourni avec le système. Cela n'est possible que dans Windows 8 et Windows 10 avec l'application Courrier.Avec Windows 7, ou pour ceux qui souhaitent continuer à utiliser Windows Live Mail dans Windows 8 et 10, il faudra passer par une mise à jour obligatoire. La mise à jour KB3093594 pour Windows Live Essentials est disponible au téléchargement sur la page dédiée du site Microsoft.Le pack Windows Essentials est toujours disponible au téléchargement gratuit. Outre Live Mail, il contient les logiciels Movie Maker (montage vidéo), Live Writer (rédaction de billets de blog), OneDrive et Galerie de photos (gestion et retouches de photos).Mise à jour 15/12/2015 : Suite à de nombreux bugs, consultez ces quelques solutions aux problèmes de plantage de Windows Live Mail. 2ff7e9595c

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